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Showing posts from January, 2015

Hypertension (HTN)

Classification Essential (Primary) Hypertension (95%) - "idiopathic" i.e. cause not known Secondary Hypertension (5%) - high blood pressure due to other illnesses such as: renal disease, endocrine disease, cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease, fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) Malignant (Accelerated) Hypertension : A medical emergency - Sudden, rapid rise in blood pressure that can lead to death if not treated. Hypertensive Urgency : BP greater than 180 systolic OR 110 diastolic and no signs of organ damage Hypertensive Emergency : BP greater than 180 systolic or 120 diastolic signs of organ damage e.g. hypertensive retinopathy (papilledema, retinal hemorrhages) Diagnosis Stages of hypertension Prehypertension: 120-139 /  80-89 Hypertension: BP above or equal to 140 / 90 Stage 1 Hypertension: 140-159 / 90-99 Stage 2 Hypertension: 160 + / 100 + Isolated Systolic Hypertension: 160+ systolic Hypertensive Crisis: 180+ / 110+ Management Links N...

Cardiovascular Pathology

Congenital Heart Diseases Definitions Atresia: complete obstruction Atrophy: decrease in the volume & muscle mass of a cardiac chamber that occurs after birth Hypoplasia: decreases in the volume & muscle mass of a cardiac chamber that occurs before birth Shunt: abnormal communication between chambers or vessels. Eisenmenger Syndrome: when left to right shunting of blood leads to pulmonary vascular hypertension that is close to systemic pressure and the shunt reverses to become a right to left shunt Cyanosis: blueish color seen in skin and mucus membranes that is due to deoxygenated venous blood being shunted into the systemic arterial system Clubbing aka hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: distal blunting and enlargement of fingers and toes due to prolonged and severe cyanosis. ( 1 )( 2 ) Classification of Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) A. Left to Right Shunts: ASD, VSD, PDA B. Right to Left Shunts: PTA, TGA, TA, TOF, TAPVR Paradoxical emboli: emboli from...

Reproductive Pathology

Reproductive System Pathology Delayed Puberty Kallman Syndrome = tall teenage male (46XY) with poorly developed secondary sex characteristics and anosmia (loss of sense of smell). Low GnRH -> low FSH, LH, and testosterone -> infertility (both males & females)  due to failure of migration of olfactory & GnRH producing neurons Turner Syndrome =  short female (46XO) with primary amenorrhea and premature ovarian failure (low estrogen, but high FSH & LH). May also have: webbed neck, swollen hands & feet, horseshoe kidney, coarctation of aorta/ aortic valve abnormalities. Increased risk of ovarian cancer, so remove ovaries due to SHOX gene mutation --> skeletal abnormalities & short stature. No extra X means no barr body. Links: 1 , 2 , MCC objectives  Infertility   Klinefelter's syndrome = tall young man with infertility (trying to conceive for 1 year and no success), long extremities & wide hips, gynecomastia, sma...